Ladislaus of Macedonia

Ladislaus of Macedonia (Bécs, ?1479 – Bécs, spring of 1536) diplomat and orator. As Achdeacon of Pécs, he met György Szatmári and his humanist friends. Hagymási answered to him with his Opusculum. In 1520, he was the emissary of István Báthory, and Bishop of Szerém. His speech to Ferdinand in Nürnberg, 1522, was published both in Latin and in German. In 1526, he resigned from his post as Bishop of Pécs, as compensation, he was named Provost of Pécs and Guard Canon of Eger. He supported Ferdinand. From 1527, he was Bishop of Várad, but he lived in Vienna. On 30th September 1530, he made a speech to Carl V and the orders of the Empire, which was published in the same year.

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